TextMyGov Website Policy

Effective May 24, 2024 

This policy explains what information is collected by cookies when visitors use the TextMyGov website. Additionally, it explains the purpose of TextMyGov collecting such information. Industry standards on the collection of information are followed to securely safeguard sensitive information.

What are cookies?

TextMyGov uses cookies to keep our website secure, personalized, and reliable. Cookies help remember your preferences, enhancing user experience. We use third party website analytics like Google Analytics to employ cookies to collect specific information concerning the use of our services.

Cookies are small text files used to store information on web browsers. The cookie helps the website recognize your device the next time you visit. Cookies inform websites about the user, which the website in turn personalizes the user experience. The term “cookies” in this policy refers to all files that collect information in this manner.

Why does TextMyGov use cookies?

Cookies are essential for the operation of our website. We use cookies for the following purposes:

  • Page views: We collect data each time a page loads to detect a page view event.
  • Page views on browser history change: We collect the data when a page view event occurs each time the browser history state is changed.
  • Scrolls: We collect the data when a visitor scrolls to the bottom of the page.
  • Outbound clicks: We collect data each time a website visitor clicks a link that leads away from the domain.
  • Form interactions: We collect data when there is a form interaction or submission on the website.
  • Video engagement: We collect data when a video on the website is played.
  • File downloads: We collect data when a file is downloaded.

How does TextMyGov use the collected information?

TextMyGov prioritizes your privacy and does not release contact information to any outside party. We have stringent security measures in place to ensure your data is protected.

We use the data collected by Google Analytics to: 

  • Understand visitor preferences to provide and improve TextMyGov services
  • Generate non-identifying information about how TextMyGov services are being used
  • Respond to inquiries, questions, and comments about TextMyGov services

We use the data collected by Pipedrive Web Visitors to:

  • Track commercial IP addresses
  • Generate a list of weekly website visitors based on the organization's name
  • The pages the organizations visited 

Data Deletion Requests

If you have questions on what data is stored or a request for removing data, please reach out to support@textmygov.com with "Data Deletion Request" in the subject line.

TextMyGov is ADA Compliant

Accessibility Statement

TextMyGov is dedicated to ensuring that our website is accessible and user-friendly to everyone. We do not discriminate based on disability in any of our programs, services, or employment practices. If you encounter any difficulties viewing, accessing, or navigating our website, please contact our support team. Email us at support@textmygov.com with “ADA Access” in the subject line and provide a brief description of what is not fully accessible for you. Alternatively, you can also call us at (435)787-7222. Your feedback is crucial to us, and we will consider it as we continue to evaluate our accessibility policies and accommodate all customers.

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