TextMyGov Elections Widget
textmygov elections

TextMyGov for Elections

Elections made easier with Smart Texting Technology. Learn how TextMyGov can simplify and automate your citizen engagement!

Benefits of TextMyGov for Elections


Amplify Election Efforts With TextMyGov

Watch this 30-second video to learn what Taylor County's Elections Department had to say about TextMyGov during one of our most recent user exclusive webinars!

Citizen engagement made simple!

TextMyGov Elections Widget

Assisting Your Citizens 24/7! No More Apps.

For Citizens

If you are a citizen looking for your local government to use TextMyGov or you want more information regarding your municipality, click the button below.

For Municipalities

If you're a municipality interested in TextMyGov or an existing client looking for TextMyGov information, click the button below.

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