TextMyGov for Elections
Elections made easier with Smart Texting Technology. Learn how TextMyGov can simplify and automate your citizen engagement!
Benefits of TextMyGov for Elections
Amplify Election Efforts With TextMyGov
Citizen engagement made simple!
3 Widget Slides
You can add any of the widget slides to your widget and choose the order it displays.
Informational- Learn more
Inform citizens of your TextMyGov service and have the "Learn More" button link to a page on your website to display information about your TextMyGov service, flyers, and a link to your keywords page.
Encourage citizens to sign up for text alerts and have the "Opt In" button initiate the process of texting in an alert keyword to the 91896 number.
After the text is sent, users will still need to reply "Yes" to confirm opt-in.
Convo Starter
Familiarize citizens with TextMyGov’s smart texting and encourage users to start texting to see how easy it is to find information and report issues.
The "Text us" button can initiate a text with a greeting, a flow, or a One-Response Word to your 10-digit TextMyGov number.
Assisting Your Citizens 24/7! No More Apps.
For Citizens
If you are a citizen looking for your local government to use TextMyGov or you want more information regarding your municipality, click the button below.
For Municipalities
If you're a municipality interested in TextMyGov or an existing client looking for TextMyGov information, click the button below.