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What is IPAWS?

Integrated Public Alert & Warning System (IPAWS) 

The Integrated Public Alert and Warning System (IPAWS) is FEMA’s national system that serves as a tool used by Federal, State, Local, Tribal, and Territorial public safety agencies. It can be used to notify the public of vital emergency, safety, and disaster information.

The IPAWS texting code that TextMyGov utilizes is called Local Area Emergency (LAE). Local authorities in the United States issue this secure and significant advisory code through the Emergency Alert System (EAS). The purpose of the advisory is to notify and instruct the public in case of a significant threat to public safety and/or property alone or the escalation of such serious events. Some examples include electric or natural gas service issues, water disruptions, road closures due to excessive snowfall, and potential terrorist threats. AMBER Alerts are omitted. 

Benefits of IPAWS?

TextMyGov Network

Why should I use TextMyGov's IPAWS integration?

Empowering government agencies to ensure timely and accurate emergency information reaches the public during disasters and other critical situations across multiple communication channels. TextMyGov not only integrates seamlessly with the IPAWS alert systems but also provides additional avenues of communication like sending general notifications and assisting citizens in accessing important information. With our clean and user-friendly interface, TextMyGov enhances coordination and communication among government agencies and citizens. Each agency is assigned a dedicated client support specialist who aids in the training, setup, and integration of this exceptional communication tool. These qualified specialists can illustrate how TextMyGov can streamline beneficial communication processes, minimize phone calls, and relay significant information to citizens.

Alerts Types!


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